Which foods are good for your skin?

Which foods are good for your skin?

We often get asked questions like 'how can I improve my skin', 'how can I stop my skin from ageing so quickly' and 'how can I clear up acne and breakouts'.  We have plenty of products in our natural skincare online store and London shop that can help, but, more often than not, good skincare is the support act for the headliner - healthy eating is the way to achieve good skin including eating a varied, balanced diet that's rich in anti-oxidants. Here we highlight our favourite nutrients that are good for your skin and the foods you can find them in: 

selection of citrus fruits on a grey background

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps produce the protein collagen which is our skin's support structure. As we age, and during peri and menopause hormonal changes mean that collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production decreases so your skin may feel drier, thinner and more sensitive. Maintaining your vitamin C intake helps to keep skin smooth and supple. Fruits and vegetables that are good for your skin and contain vitamin C are citrus fruits, berries, peppers, sweetcorn, broccoli, watercress and, if you need an extra vitamin C boost, choose Life Armour Nutrition's Drops of Immunity 

Vitamin E

We love a good dose of vitamin E in our skincare as it helps to keep the skin lovely and soft. When it comes to our diet, vitamin E, helps protect cells from oxidative damage. You can find it in kalamata olives, avocados, almonds and sunflower seeds.

selection of healthy foods in wooden bowl


The anti-oxidant selenium works in harmony with vitamins C and E and can help some skin diseases, particularly related to sun damage. You can find selenium in wheatgerm, brown flours, wheat, eggs, meats, oily fish, shellfish, nuts and seeds.


Essential fatty acids like omega 3 have so many skin benefits. They're anti-inflammatory, keep dry, scaly skin at bay and can reduce the harm that smoking, the sun and pollution have had on your skin. Find omega 3's in oily fish like salmon, cod and sardines or plant derived alternatives like flaxseeds and walnuts.

salmon cut into thick slices with health food around it


Zinc helps our sebaceous glands to function and helps our skin to heal. For balanced skin, find zinc in wheatgerm, bran, wheatflour, quinoa, anchovies, crab.

Vitamin A

There are plenty of vitamin A skincare ingredients on the market; retinol, cacay, rosehip and bakuchiol to name a few, but how can we up our intake of dietary vitamin A which helps protect skin cells and boosts regeneration? Foods like mangoes, carrots, sweet potato, butternut squash, spinach, kale, cantaloupe melon all have a good amount of vitamin A.

bunch of green kale

Vitamin B3

Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 is what helps to keep our skin balanced and neutral. So if you're oily, congested or dry skinned, chicken, fish, wheatflour, peanuts and eggs are a good place to start. 


We need water to survive, there's no doubt, but it's essential for maintaining plump, smooth and elastic skin. Aim to drink plenty of fluids each day and if you find it difficult to drink water, try non-caffeinated herbal teas or watermelons. 

What foods are bad for your skin? 

You can sometimes have too much of a good thing, and whilst the occasional treat can make you feel better, things like sugar, alcohol, uber processed or junk foods can start to have a detrimental effect on your skin over time. 

What else can I do to help my skin health?

Use suncream. Our skin naturally ages as we get older but photoageing (skin damage due to sun exposure) is the biggest contributor to skin ageing, particularly prematurely. 

Check in on your stress levels. When your stress hormone, cortisol, spikes it can break down collagen, leading to premature ageing. Sleep is the most effective way of helping to manage stress as well as giving the body time to repair and replenish itself. Read more about how to have a good night's sleep here

Waitrose & Partners Health New Year 2022 'Skin, Hair and Nails SOS' p57-61
Jo Lewin is a registered nutritionist (RNutr) with the Association for Nutrition with a specialism in public health. Writing for BBC Good Food.
Selenium levels and skin diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis 2020 Dec;62:126548. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126548. Epub 2020 May 20
Whilst we hope you enjoy our blog, please note we are not medical professionals or experts so it's important do your own research or ask a medical professional if any of these topics affect you personally. 
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