Natasha - Forage Botanicals

Natasha - Forage Botanicals

Forage Botanicals is an award winning range of herbalist-created natural remedies for optimal hormonal health. Let's get to know founder Natasha and learn more about her tinctures, drinks and remedies that help make our monthly cycles more manageable 

forage botanicals founder natasha london herbalist


What did you do before you were inspired to start Forage Botanicals?

Before the business is what you see today I had a private practice as a herbalist where I treated women with hormone problems for over 10 years. I was inspired to create Forage Botanicals by the lack of knowledge most doctors have for hormonal problems and the misogyny in medicine which means that most female-specific problems go ignored and under-treated. I also studied the history of women’s medicine to look deeper into this.

I’ve been working in hormone health since 2010 when I qualified as a medical herbalist from Lincoln University and I’ve had the current product range since 2019. My biggest learning has been that relieving a symptom can be just as big a change to someone’s life as curing a bigger problem at the root cause.

All of our products are made by hand by me in my kitchen. They're all vegan and the packaging is all either recyclable or compostable. 

What is the story behind the name Forage Botanicals?

I founded Forage Botanicals after having suffered for years with
period pain which seriously interfered with my life! I was ignored by
the medical profession. It took me a long time to discover the
amazing botanical pharmacy just outside my doorsteps and I hope
Forage Botanicals' products will make this so much more
accessible for future sufferers.

Our mission is to give everyone access to natural ways to manage and relieve period problems.

How do you source your ingredients?

I focus on British flora so that I can hope to reduce air miles and buy from british
suppliers. Though I don’t have much control over what countries the herbs are grown in as there isn’t a lot of competition in this area.

What is your favourite product?

I love Aunt Flo, it’s chocolate that’s good for you. What’s not to like?

Best for...irregular periods

Best for...period pain or cramps

Best for...hormonal breakouts

Best for...PMS

What tips do you have for using your products?

Most of the should be used every day to prevent a problem rather than on the day to treat the symptom.

What’s next for Forage Botanicals?

We are about to launch a perimenopause range.

How are you standing out from the crowd?

We are founded by experts in the field with actual experience seeing what works with actual patients. We have a team of experts who continue to see patients too. I test all the products for 3 months of people struggling with the problem we aim to relieve before launching anything!

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