graphic of the word xanthan gum with organic shapes in green and pink

Xanthan Gum

Xanthan Gum: Why is it in my natural skincare products?

What Is Xanthan Gum?

Xanthan gum is a natural, plant-derived polysaccharide widely used in skincare and cosmetics as a thickening agent, stabiliser, and emulsifier. It helps improve the texture and consistency of products, ensuring that creams, lotions, and serums have a smooth and uniform feel. Xanthan gum can also enhance the skin’s hydration by creating a light barrier that locks in moisture.

photo of cabbage and broccoli and cauliflower where xanthan gum is derived from

Where Does It Come From?

Xanthan gum is derived from a type of bacteria known as Xanthomonas campestris, which naturally occurs on plants such as cabbage and broccoli. This bacterium produces a gel-like substance when it ferments sugars, and this is where xanthan gum originates.

Though it’s a microbial polysaccharide, xanthan gum is entirely plant-based, making it a popular choice in vegan and natural skincare formulations. Its sustainable and natural origins align with the increasing demand for clean beauty ingredients that are gentle on the skin and environmentally friendly.

How Is Xanthan Gum Made?

The production of xanthan gum is naturally derived. The process begins with the fermentation of a carbohydrate source, such as corn, soy, or wheat. The Xanthomonas campestris bacterium is introduced to this carbohydrate-rich medium, where it ferments the sugars to create xanthan gum.

After fermentation, the gum is precipitated (separated) using isopropyl alcohol. The result is a white or cream-colored powder that is purified, dried, and ground to a fine consistency, ready to be used in various products.

Sustainable Credentials of Xanthan Gum

Xanthan gum is considered sustainable for several reasons. First, it’s a natural and renewable resource derived from plant-based ingredients like corn or soy. The fermentation process used to produce it is relatively low-impact, and the resulting ingredient is biodegradable. Moreover, the agricultural production of the crops used in xanthan gum manufacturing generally supports sustainability initiatives like reduced pesticide use and soil conservation.

The demand for xanthan gum is increasing in the natural beauty world, and because of its plant-based, eco-friendly credentials, it aligns with the growing focus on reducing synthetic chemicals and supporting sustainable farming practices.

What Will Xanthan Gum Do for Your Skin?

Though xanthan gum primarily acts as a thickener and stabiliser in skincare formulations, it also has several skin-friendly benefits:

  1. Hydration: Xanthan gum helps form a barrier on the skin’s surface that reduces moisture loss, making it particularly beneficial in hydrating products like moisturizers and serums.
  2. Smooth Texture: It gives products a smooth, creamy texture, allowing them to glide on the skin more easily and feel luxurious during application.
  3. Improved Absorption: Xanthan gum helps emulsify ingredients, ensuring that they are evenly distributed throughout a formula. This means active ingredients are more readily absorbed by the skin.

While xanthan gum itself isn’t an active ingredient with direct skincare benefits, it plays a key role in delivering moisture and ensuring product stability, which ultimately enhances the user experience and effectiveness of the formulation.


The International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) name for xanthan gum is simply Xanthan Gum. When reviewing product ingredient lists, you’ll typically find it towards the end, as only a small amount is needed to achieve its desired effect.

Skin Types It’s Suitable For

Xanthan gum is suitable for all skin types due to its gentle nature and non-comedogenic properties. Whether you have dry, sensitive, oily, or combination skin, xanthan gum is unlikely to cause irritation or exacerbate existing conditions. Its ability to lock in moisture makes it particularly beneficial for dry or dehydrated skin, while its lightweight, non-greasy texture makes it ideal for oily or acne-prone skin.

Allergens and Safety

Xanthan gum is considered hypoallergenic and safe for use in skincare products. However, because it is derived from common allergens such as corn, soy, or wheat, individuals with severe food allergies should check the source of the xanthan gum in their skincare products. Allergic reactions to xanthan gum in cosmetics are extremely rare, but it’s always a good idea to patch test a new product, especially if you have known sensitivities.

What Type of Products Will You Find Xanthan Gum In?

Xanthan gum is incredibly versatile and is found in a wide range of natural skincare products. Its primary function as a thickening agent and stabilizer means you'll encounter it in:

  • Moisturisers: Xanthan gum helps create a smooth, creamy consistency in moisturisers, allowing them to be easily applied to the skin without feeling too heavy or greasy.
  • Serums: It stabilizes the formula and ensures that active ingredients remain evenly dispersed and effective.
  • Gel or Liquid Cleansers: Xanthan gum helps bind the formula, giving cleansers their smooth, gel-like texture.
  • Masks: In face masks, xanthan gum provides a stable, thick consistency that’s easy to apply and stays in place on the skin.
  • Sunscreens: Xanthan gum helps emulsify sunscreen ingredients, ensuring even coverage and application.

Shop Natural Products Containing Xanthan Gum

For those looking to incorporate natural skincare products containing xanthan gum, here are a few excellent choices:
