How do natural fragrances perform vs synthetic ones and what is the difference?
What is a natural perfume?
Natural perfumes are created using scents found in nature, think roses, lavender, citrus fruits etc. Generally they're made from essential oils, resins and absolutes that have been extracted from the botanical ingredients rather than made synthetically in a lab.
Do truly natural perfumes exist?
Like most things in the natural wellbeing industry there are variations within the category. From some brands using predominantly natural ingredients combined with synthetic ingredients, to others using naturally derived ingredients and lastly, to the purists like Haoma, who are the only certified organic perfume brand in the UK, who use only 100% natural and organic ingredients.
Here's Enis' thoughts on the industry:
"Around 99% of perfumes on the market use synthetic fragrances. Even ‘natural’ brands use synthetic fragrances in their perfumes, these are generally listed as ‘perfume’ , or ‘fragrance’ in the ingredients list. These by law do not have to be disclosed further and can be made up of anything including very toxic materials. My advice is that you look at the full ingredients lists of your favourite perfumes (if the company actually discloses them), if you spot any ‘aroma’. ‘perfume’ or ‘fragrance’ listed in the ingredients list, it means they use synthetic molecules in their perfumes which we are highly against. There are numerous studies of synthetic fragrances and how they impact our health.
How do natural fragrances compare vs synthetics?
Enis says "Most people want an identical concept to conventional perfumes in terms of scent profile and longevity when they say they want to switch to natural perfumes. I cannot emphasise this enough that it simply is not possible. It is my mission through Haoma to change these perceptions...Natural perfumes will never be the same as synthetic ones. I am also extremely confident that there is no more than maybe only 1 or 2 brands in the whole of the UK that offer perfumes that are truly natural made absolutely with no ‘fragrance - aka synthetic scents’ in them. None of them as far as I know use certified organic and certified food grade essential oils. This means people will have to see natural perfume brands almost like aromatherapy products rather than conventional perfumes"
How long do natural perfumes last?
Enis advises that "Longevity on skin really depends of skin types (oily, dry, hormonal etc) as well as the weather, however our customers consistently reported they get a whole day from No 1 and Ylang Ylang perfumes. Frankincense & Myrrh lasts a whole day on some people’s skin but some people reported average 4 hours. This particular perfume only has resinoid essential oils in them so it behaves differently on every skin type. Our Lavender and Orange would last up to 4 hours and these are the shortest lasting ones."
Can I spray perfume on clothing?
Enis says "Perfumes can be sprayed on clothing but we always recommend testing first. Some essential oils have natural colours but our perfumes do not leave a permanent mark on fabrics. They would not be noticeable unless they are sprayed on a snow-white fabric (sometimes not even then), and in any case they are easily washed. In terms of scent holding, natural fabric usually has more porous surface so holds scents better but again it is advisable to test first"
What is unique about Haoma perfumes and fragrances?
Discover Haoma Organic Perfumes